Saturday, April 10, 2010

"A Story of Childhood Friend"

It was a beautiful morning. And as the sun gently spread his warmth and awaken the moist grass in the park, two tiny little girls ran through the uncut growth, just happy to run. As they ran and felt the grass blades tickles their little legs.

The two girls looked at each other, gave a smile and started to walk together. No sound was audible by any adults present, but they were very much engrossed in conversation, such that only tiny little toddlers can understand.

"I like this park"

"Me too, it's BIG"


"Do you wanna play with me?"

"Yes! Let's run up there!"

"It's steep, can we do it?"

"Wanna hold hands?"


And off they go, up the clearing, down again, and up again, stopping to marvel at how they conquered the hill, singing, and dancing and then more running.

Nothing is more important than this, not to them. And the adults can only watch in wonderment.